Blowing up the diet: a review of Gunpowder Milkshake

Gunpowder Milkshake

Directed by Navot Papushado

Written by Navot Papushado & Ehud Lavski

Produced by Andrew Rona & Alex Heineman

Starring Karen Gillan, Lena Headey, Carla Gugino, Chloe Coleman, Michelle Yeoh, Angela Bassett, Paul Giamatti

Imagine if the Powerpuff Girls was written by Garth Ennis. Charming, chirpy, insane and violent. Gunpowder Milkshake has that vibe, and if you liked the Kill Bill series, then you will like this. It’s gleefully over the top, knows it is over the top, and has immense amounts of fun being so. If you don’t mind pools of blood and tons of brain splatter, then this is the movie for you.

I spent an agreeable amount of time between laughing and going “whoa!” It didn’t hurt that it included Amy Pond who was Doctor Who’s sexiest assistant, Cersei Lannister, the evil empress from Discovery, and the guy who played “Pig Vomit”. Oh, and Angela Bassett. So it’s got all the right people for a lunatic crime-and-murder spree.

Sam (Gillan) is a hired gun for Nathan, who sends her on a job to hunt down a guy who embezzled a bunch of money. She finds him, and learns that he stole the money before, oops, sorta shooting him. So Daddy’s dead and there’s this nine-year old kid out there who needs rescuing. Sam remembers being abandoned by her own mother who was in the family business of greasing people herself and made some enemies. So she decides to rescue the kid, and hopefully save the kid and keep the money. So she visits the local library/armory where she meets up with the librarians, Anna May, Madeline, and Florence, who used to be cohorts with dear old mom. After a brief contrétemps (this is NOT the sort of library you show up uninvited) she gets enough weaponry to take down a medium-sized Canadian province, and sets up to meet with the kidnappers to retrieve the kid.

At that point, things go south because you wouldn’t have much of a picture if they didn’t, and funny bloody ‘splody fun times ensue.

Now on Netflix.